Maybe it’s only at a few places, but today at the museum and Dome cafe, we had to write down our particulars and measured temperature before we were allowed to enter. The H1N1 virus (swine flu) reminds me of Sars outbreak in 2003 – temperature measuring, thermometer, surgical mask, glove, quarantine...

Green sticker means my temperature is normal :-)
I went to this exhibition by Wu GuanZhong with my friend at the SAM...and my friend & i were very impressed with his very modern Chinese paintings!
Yes! that's one of the exhibits i saw, the 113 pieces of work is now in Singapore. i was surprised that i like many of his work cos i was never into chinese painting. His style is bold yet meticulous, traditional yet contemporary, very unique.
Ya, so avant-garde! Not the typical trees, bamboo, birds... Plus it's so surprising coz he's so old lor! Even the "anyhow dot coloured dots" also very nice! His style - with Chinese ink - is really impressive!
And duno why he's giving away his art collection leh...
P.S. It was 1 art exhibition here that was strictly NO photography allowed. But 1 of the lady "guards" liked Joel so much i asked her to take a picture of the 3 of us w/o any painting. Keke... I can see 1 of the roof painting in the background. ;p
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