Wednesday, May 20, 2009

it’s here!

After waiting for 4 long weeks, i finally received my first letterpress namecards!

They arrived in a nice little packaging...

250 pieces of them...

inked on a nice coarse texture paper.

i’m so excited!

Update: A few friends have asked where i got these namecards, it’s from Mandate Press if you are also interested. i got to learn about this letterpress service via A Cup Of Jo, she has all kinds of good recommendations and i always go back for more :-)


Nathan Williams said...

nice choice.
looks awesome.

one little journey said...

thanks! i really love it :-)

Mrs. Lee said...

this is so pretty! save one for me!

Jo said...

cool! ;)

one little journey said...

sure, kelly!

thanks Jo!


Aaron said...

so nice. where did you get it from?

one little journey said...

thanks aaron! it's from the mandate press

Aaron said...

wow, u actually order from Salt Lake City?? Just from namecard?? They must hv something that interest u so much to order from them :) The paper they used?

But from your photos, i can tell its really excellent printing.

one little journey said...

yes all the way from there... dun tik i can find any letterpress printing service here :-)

Joanna Goddard said...

i LOVE these -- thank you so much for the link! xo

Anonymous said...

If anyone else is interested in letterpress business cards, Oubly offers a great selection of papers and other options.