It has been ignored and sitting sadly on my desk for almost 2 years. Time to make an appearance.
These are some of the pages from my travel journal.

i love how the lines curved and entwined on Monet’s sketches for The Luncheon On The Grass, thus, trying to do it in a graphical way. As for Bobby, he’s a friend at the zoo :-)
Yeah, some things are unexplainable...
Food i ate in a day.
Music playing on my ipod at that instant (on the train ride to Canterbury).
Weiner & Oiticica Love! And of course, not forgetting Matisse. I often gaze at The Snail and unknowingly, lost myself in it.
After a day of museums/galleries walk. Anyone wants to buy my art?
Sometimes, travelling alone makes one feels melancholy.
Things to do on a flight. How interesting is that?
good handwritings!
thanks :-)
Thanks for visiting my blog. You have a great and creative blog.
Nice drawings!!
you are welcome... and thanks :-)
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