Thursday, July 30, 2009


Lots of people asked before what would i choose to do besides designing. And my answer was often nothing. There is nothing else that i am capable of doing and nothing else interest me so far. Today, while researching at Kinokuniya (my usual hangout), the thought of working there suddenly came to my mind. So, if one day, when i run out of design opportunity, i hope to find work in Kinokuniya. 

Please employ me!


Mrs. Lee said...

haha can no prob! my brother used to work there and they employ salespeople all the time. u want to sell books? :p

one little journey said...

maybe i should start working part-time... but i guess i will have to train my arms first, those books are heavy!

Jo said...

I guess that's the dilemma all designers face - at least those i know in Singapore.

Besides design, i wanna do gift-wrapping! Keke... ;p

one little journey said...

i almost never wrap gifts cos i have no patience, they're usually in a paper bag/carrier :-p

Aaron said...

Hey, I actually tot the same too...and guess what I actuallysent in my CV to kino lucky..LOL

one little journey said...

hopefully better luck next time!