Monday, January 18, 2010

almost blue

i was out for (work) shoot yesterday. Starting from Marina Barrage to One Fullerton to Singapore River to the Padang and finally to St Andrew’s Road. Besides the first two locations i got there by cab, the rest was by walking. Usually this distance would have been nothing, but under the scorching sun, it was no joke. i thought i was going to faint right in the middle of the Padang.

Since morning, i am a bit under the weather, must be the heat. Oh and i believe i’m now a shade darker.


Mrs. Lee said...

the flying kites is lovely. makes me feel very free just looking at it. :)

Jo said...

how many hours did you walk in all? i'm imagining more than 1 shade. keke...

great pictures, thanks to the very sunny sun! ;p

one little journey said...

Kelly: esp the doraemon, so cute!

Jo: not many, about 3, but it was too darn hot. too sunny!