A little survey: Can you help me by naming the six cities in the photos?

Thank you!
This blog has becoming more and more like a boring “work blog”. But that’s what i’ve been doing everyday for the past few months. Just bear with me for a little longer, i’ll be back with more interesting stuff soon. ( h o p e f u l l y )
1. barcelona (sagrada familia)
2. rome (colloseum)
3. paris (eiffel tower)
4. london (big ben)
5. new york (the statue of liberty)...
this is tough. coz i think i can also see macau (the church wall), india's taj mahal, and moscow's domes!!! hahaha... so sorry! please tell me what's the 6 cities! ;p
in accordance to the photos:
1. NY
2. London
3. Rome
4. Paris
5. Milan
6. Barcelona
you've got all except Milan which i have to say is the least obvious. the rest are pretty easy, isn't it?
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