Monday, November 5, 2012

october is missing

Met up with a friend for lunch recently and she mentioned that i haven’t been updating my blog. i thought it has only been for a couple of weeks but just realised that i haven’t had a single update last month.

Thinking back, i did quite a bit of stuffs in October but seems like there’s nothing much worth mentioning... Well, i had quite a few long walks, mostly just wandering around my hood. Some volunteering work, celebrated my dad’s birthday and lots of coffee.

i have to admit that i’m getting lazier with blogging nowadays. Plus, with the recent template updates, it has messed up my layout and i was getting frustrated trying to fix it. i do update on instagram (@alynnteo) almost everyday, so if you are still not bored with my pictures, you might like to check them out there :)


Aaron said...

really got feel :) nice photo!

Aaron said...

dont you update your blog anymore?

one little journey said...


i wanted to but the longer i put it off the more difficult it becomes. will definitely try to update again :)